Our Tree is in Trouble

The tree has stood for a lifetime of decades in the middle of our historic cemetery.  Its sprawling trunks and branches watching over us as we absorbed the peace and tranquility found nowhere else.  It saw us weep as we laid our loved ones to rest.  It saw us laugh as our children searched for Easter eggs.  And it saw us strain as we lifted hundred-pound gravestones to reset their bases.

Our tree is in trouble.  It started life as multiple trees and over the decades grew into one.  Typical of all of us filled with joy and hope, it reached out and spread its limbs.  Now, it has grown tired of holding its arms outstretched and wants to set the weight down.  One of the trunks is splitting  at ground level leaving a large gap that goes deep into the ground.  On the other side a 50-foot limb reaches straight out over the gravestones of our loved ones.

The tree that inspired and shaded us now needs our care.  Many arborists have come to look and advise.  The wonderful team at the County’s Historic Affairs Landmark Review Board, who love history as do we, has joined with the arborists of Arlington County to help us see the path forward.   We must remove the trunk that is splitting off that is tipping the tree to the north.  We must remove the large horizontal limb that is tipping the tree to the south.  The prayer is by reducing these counterweight forces, the living tree will stand straight and tall for many more years.

The Chapel Cemetery Crew is taking slow and measured steps to preserve this symbol of nature bonding with our care.  We can always use your help.  Follow us up the path as we report back to you with updates and videos of the Crew in action.

Blessings to all,

Your Cemetery Ministry Team and the

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